Thursday, August 2, 2012

Home is not a place

In ALMOST HOME by Joan Bauer (Viking 2012), Sugar Mae Cole is 12 and newly homeless. But Sugar knows a thing or two about tough times thanks to her grandfather, King Cole, who left her his musings in a journal. Sugar's mother, Reba, has taught her a ting to two as well, especially about gratitude. Sugar will need all the help she can get as she and her mother leave their home and head to Chicago hoping for better. Somehow, Sugar is managing with the help of her dog, Shush, who needs lots of her assistance in dealing with the noise and bustle of the big city. And then the unimaginable happens, and Sugar lands in a foster home. Suddenly, her world is stable and safe. She has friends and a job. Could she be almost home? Joan Bauer, as always, creates memorable characters who manage to survive in seemingly overwhelming circumstances. Gentle good humor, nurturing adults (best.teacher.ever) and common sense advice arm Bauer's characters and permit them to confront demons with strength and courage and conviction. <422>

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