Sunday, February 5, 2012

some picture books for watch for in 2012

Loreen Leedy gives readers SEEING SYMMETRY (Holiday House 2012), a fascinating examination of symmetry in the world around us. Letters, numbers, animals, plants: many of these have symmetry. Different types of symmetry are clearly delineated and explained. if you have not had the chance to have read any of Leedy's other books, find MESSAGES IN THE MAILBOX, THE EDIBLE PYRAMID, and CRAZY LIKE A FOX among other terrific nonfiction titles. <44>

LADYBUGS by Gail Gibbons (Holiday House 2012) gives readers plenty of useful information about the various types of this beetle common to North America. From egg to pupa to beetle, Gibbons shows readers how ladybugs grow. Their role in helping farmers is also explored. <45>

THE ELIJAH DOOR by Linda Leopold Strauss with illustrations by Alexi Natchev (Holiday House 2012) is a Passover tale about two families that had been friends for a long time. The daughter of one family was even engaged to a son of the neighboring family. And then something happened. Who can remember what it was, but now the families are not speaking to one another. The engaged couple, with the help of their rabbi and the neighbors, devise a way to bring the two feuding families back together. <46>

BALLERINA SWAN by Allegra Kent with illustrations by Emily Arnold McCully (Holiday House 2012) is the story of Bella, a swan who longs to dance. One day she is invited to join the dance class and learn how to a ballerina. She even receives a special role in the class' performance of Swan Lake. <47>

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